Trade barriers in India

17 results found

Title Sector Location
Lack of agreed Export Health Certificate (EHC) preventing the export of Ovine and Caprine Genetics to India. Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets India
Lack of agreed Export Health Certificate (EHC) preventing the export of UK Cattle for breeding. Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets India
Stringent conditions for export of bovine semen to India Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets India
Permanent registration needed for polyhalite and ensuring that testing standards in the UK are recognised and accepted by the Government of India Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Chemicals India
Clear guidance needed on registration of industrial biocides exported to India Chemicals India
Disparity in the corporate tax rate applied to domestic and international companies in India Financial and professional services India
Indian insurance and pension funds cannot invest their funds overseas Financial and professional services India
Banks required to lend to priority industry sectors impacting UK financial services in India Financial and professional services India
Order of preference for Indian businesses restricts foreign re-insurance companies Financial and professional services India
Restrictions on UK law firms operating in India Financial and professional services India
Restriction on overseas audit companies to operate in India and sign audit reports for Indian companies Financial and professional services India
Restrictions on overseas architectural practices operating in India Financial and professional services, Construction India
Restriction on the Supply of Imported Products to Canteen Stores Department Outlets Food and drink India
Lack of notice provided for price revisions in the pharmaceuticals sector. Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology India
Mandatory in-country testing and certification for telecoms equipment exported to India Technology and smart cities India
Compulsory registration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) products impacting UK exporters/investors to India Technology and smart cities India
India imposes tariff and duty charges on some ITA products and demonstrators Technology and smart cities India

If a trade barrier is affecting your exports or investment from the UK, please let us know on report a trade barrier .

If you export goods you can check duties and customs procedures for your chosen market.

Resolved trade barriers are listed separately.