Lack of agreed Export Health Certificate (EHC) preventing the export of Ovine and Caprine Genetics to India.
Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets |
India |
Lack of agreed Export Health Certificate (EHC) preventing the export of UK Cattle for breeding.
Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets |
India |
Stringent conditions for export of bovine semen to India
Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets |
India |
Permanent registration needed for polyhalite and ensuring that testing standards in the UK are recognised and accepted by the Government of India
Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and pets, Chemicals |
India |
Clear guidance needed on registration of industrial biocides exported to India
Chemicals |
India |
Disparity in the corporate tax rate applied to domestic and international companies in India
Financial and professional services |
India |
Indian insurance and pension funds cannot invest their funds overseas
Financial and professional services |
India |
Banks required to lend to priority industry sectors impacting UK financial services in India
Financial and professional services |
India |
Order of preference for Indian businesses restricts foreign re-insurance companies
Financial and professional services |
India |
Restrictions on UK law firms operating in India
Financial and professional services |
India |
Restriction on overseas audit companies to operate in India and sign audit reports for Indian companies
Financial and professional services |
India |
Restrictions on overseas architectural practices operating in India
Financial and professional services, Construction |
India |
Restriction on the Supply of Imported Products to Canteen Stores Department Outlets
Food and drink |
India |
Lack of notice provided for price revisions in the pharmaceuticals sector.
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology |
India |
Mandatory in-country testing and certification for telecoms equipment exported to India
Technology and smart cities |
India |
Compulsory registration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) products impacting UK exporters/investors to India
Technology and smart cities |
India |
India imposes tariff and duty charges on some ITA products and demonstrators
Technology and smart cities |
India |